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C Frame Press Leasing

ASG Safety -Lease �

ASG can supply you with a range of facility options to upgrade your machines to full safety compliance without the burden of Capital Expense cash outlays.

"I could not afford to upgrade my machinery to safe working standards", is not a defence that any court in the land will consider should you be unfortunate enough to suffer a workplace accident resulting in death or serious injury., (even though it is often a fact of life).

ASG in conjunction with the NAB is now able to offer a solution that will provide you with the following.

1. Safe Machinery, fully compliant to AS4024-1, Safeguarding of Machinery"
2. No up front costs
3. Extra Cash in your bank -immediately
4. Potentially, a significantly improved return on assets employed to your shareholders

This option delivers you significant benefits;

1. Fully safe guarded and compliant equipment
2. Employee health and safety
3. Cash in the Bank
4. Balance Sheet is cleared of zero value assets
5. A known fully tax deductible operating expense
6. A significantly improved return on assets employed to the shareholders
7. Potentially keeps you, the owners and managers, out of jail

*terms and conditions apply

For further information on our exciting "ASG Safety-lease" � options, contact our hotline on
(03) 9569 4506 or click here to generate an email enquiry and we will respond to you asap.

The capital cost of upgrading a C Frame press safety guarding configuration to full safety compliance is in the order of $15,000

The current market value of most C Frame presses that are unguarded is generally scrap value based on material tonnage.

ASG will buy your unguarded C Frame press from you, upgrade it to full safety compliance and lease it back to you.*

"ASG Safety-lease" � lease rates average a low $700 per month, which is fully tax deductible, and includes maintenance. After 3 years this price reduces even further to a low $300 per month - fully maintained.*

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